Mall Advertising

Digital Displays and High-top wireless charging tables are located high in traffic areas such as food courts, child play areas, and soft seating areas.

Charge Your Cell Phone At The Mall

The FREE phone charging solution for Malls!

Mall advertising is advertising displays that are placed inside shopping malls. Advertise your brand in malls with cell phone charging tables or our digital screens in over 200 malls in 150 markets. In most communities, it is by far the single most visited public place, drawing a total of over 2 billion visitors annually. Shopping mall advertising is a great way to increase your brand’s exposure and ECM has worked in partnership with the largest mall operator to position charging tables, digital charging stands, and digital signage at key locations inside the malls.

Mall Advertisement

Mall advertising can put your message in front of consumers from all walks of life and provide a free service as they head to popular retail destinations for shopping, entertainment, and dining.

Number 1 Reason

In a recent survey, the Number 1 reason consumers left the mall was to go charge their phones. This is an excellent opportunity to make contact with a target audience.

Traffic Areas

High-top wireless charging tables are located high in traffic areas such as food courts, child play areas, and soft seating areas. Many are grouped, and some are set alone. Charging towers and digital signage charging stations are located in entrances and soft seating areas.

Mall Advertisement

Mall advertising can put your message in front of consumers from all walks of life and provide a free service as they head to popular retail destinations for shopping, entertainment, and dining.

Number 1 Reason

In a recent survey, the Number 1 reason consumers left the mall was to go charge their phones. This is an excellent opportunity to make contact with a target audience.

Traffic Areas

High-top wireless charging tables are located high in traffic areas such as food courts, child play areas, and soft seating areas. Many are grouped, and some are set alone. Charging towers and digital signage charging stations are located in entrances and soft seating areas.

Get your charge On.

ECM’s out-of-home advertising solutions allow companies to promote products through a network of device charging stations placed in high trafficked venues, including restaurants, bars, shopping malls, stadiums, casinos, airports, you name it!

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1(262) 203-8189

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